Latest News of Missing Malaysian Airlines MH 370 Flight

Missing Malaysian Flight

So far, none of them appear to have come up with anything. Reports suggest that while investigators believe the plane was most likely seized and intentionally diverted off course, they have not uncovered links to any militant groups or any of the sort of militant "chatter" that might normally be expected in the aftermath of a "spectacular".

And while officers from the police special branch have searched the homes of the main pilot, 53-year-old Zaharie Ahmad Shah, and first officer Fariq Abdul Hamid, 27, they have reportedly found nothing unusual. An examination of a flight simulator that Mr Shah put together himself and built in his home, has also shown nothing untoward. Officials have now confirmed media reports that the initial searches of the pilots' homes happened just a day after the plane went missing.

Missing Malaysian  MH 370 Flight

Missing Malaysian  MH 370 Flight

Missing Malaysian  MH 370 Flight

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